高橋 賢

Fighting the COVID-19 epidemic with Zoom video conference

Fighting the COVID-19 epidemic with Zoom video conference

zoom screen

Takahashi hosted a zoom video conference for research reports, which was originally scheduled as a face-to-face meeting, on February 27 and 28, 2020. Online meetings are an effective option to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.

A research group of “Living in Space” is a section of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan. The research group holds its conference biannually. Over 60 researchers in the fields of space biology and medicine attended the conference and reported their findings and achievements.

In Japan, working styles and business productivity are undergoing more changes than ever, and video meetings are thought to be one of the solutions to streamline face-to-face meetings that impose location restrictions. The COVID-19 epidemic is unexpectedly urging for solutions to these problems.

Related: 国難のいまこそ進めるテレワーク

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Takahashi Lab at Okayama University uses principles of physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and biophysics. The purpose of the lab is to develop science and medicine by unveiling the mechanisms of diseases through collaborations with scientists, epidemiologists, and corporate alliances. The alliance includes Harvard University, Boston University, Tokyo University of Science, and PD Aerospace, Ltd.

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