Filming for JoVE, the top video science journal

Takahashi Lab filmed the article “Model of Ischemic Heart Disease and Video-Based Comparison of Cardiomyocyte Contraction Using hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes” published in the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). Ph.D. students in the laboratory mainly contributed to the publication of this paper.
In addition to carefully checking the experimental procedure, the “actresses” and “actors” memorized the lines and performed two rehearsals in advance. Thanks to their preparation, filming was a lot of fun.
JoVE is the leading peer-reviewed video method journal. With this journal, reputable researchers, including the lab of Dr. Oliver Smithies, a 2007 Nobel laureate, and the Huang lab at Stanford University, published their works.
Each year JoVE publishes about 1,000 new peer-reviewed video articles, produced at world-leading academic institutions. These video articles increase the productivity of research and education by providing step-by-step visual demonstrations of experimental procedures and concepts.
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Takahashi Lab at Okayama University uses principles of physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and biophysics. The purpose of the lab is to develop science and medicine by unveiling the mechanisms of diseases through collaborations with scientists, epidemiologists, and corporate alliances. The alliance includes Harvard University, Boston University, Tokyo University of Science, and PD Aerospace, Ltd.
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