Ken Takahashi’s achievements reported in the media
May 19, 2021 NHK news (local) “Torch Relay Okayama Prefecture Day 1”
Nov 12, 2020. NHK news (local) “Okayama University’s First Meeting for Development of Researchers in Developing Countries” Attended the meeting as accepting faculty in the UNCTAD Program.
Jan 15, 2016. TBS Hiruobi! (Telephone interview of JAXA manned confinement experiment. Not broadcasted due to the Karuizawa bus accident on the same day)
Jan 7, 2016. TBS Nsta “3,000 people apply for JAXA experiment in a closed room for 380,000 yen in 14 days”
Apr 24, 2015. OHK News (About TRPM4 channel and myocardial infarction)
Apr 24, 2015. NHK News (local) (About TRPM4 channel and myocardial infarction)

May 19, 2021. Sanyo Shimbun “The Olympics flame comes to Okayama, ceremony held at Okayama Castle: “Torch Kiss” by 84 torch bearer“
Jun 3, 2018. Sanyo Shimbun “Awards for 13 Young Researchers – Okayama Medical Association General Assembly”
Apr 4, 2016. Mainichi Shimbun evening edition “Space Life – Is It Stressful?”
Apr 24, 2015. Sanyo Shimbun “New finding about suppressing myocardial infarction: inhibiting of a specific protein suppresses development”
Feb 20, 2006. Chunichi Shimbun Owari edition “Learn the effects of weightlessness on the human body“

Sep 23, 2023. Sogyo Techo. Physiaura: Ken Takahashi | Business attracting attention for drug innovation using human organ chips
Mar 26, 2022. Yahoo! News. There is no better time for challengers – Okayama Innovation School opens
May 19, 2021. Tokyo 2020 Olympics Torch Relay (NHK). Ken Takahashi: Torch Bearer, Tokyo 2020 Olympics (NHK)
Nov 11, 2019. Technology Networks. Heart Attack Modeled With Human Stem Cells
Nov 9, 2019. Medindia. Human Stem Cells Help Model Heart Attack
Nov 8, 2019. Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Heart attack modeled with human stem cells
Nov 8, 2019. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. Human Stem Cells Used to Develop Model of Heart Attack
Nov 8, 2019. RegMedNet. New IPSC model for ischemic heart disease
Nov 7, 2019. EurekAlert! Heart attack modeled with human stem cells
Nov 7, 2019. MedicalXpress. Heart attack modeled with human stem cells
Nov 7, 2019. News Medical. Myocardial infarction model developed using cardiomyocytes
Nov 7, 2019. Bioengineer. Heart attack modeled with human stem cells
Oct 31, 2019. Japanese “Developing a model of myocardial infarction using human iPS cells: To develop highly effective preventive and therapeutic agents for humans“
Feb 17, 2016. Yahoo! News “Finisher talks ‘harsh’ life in the Space Isolation Tour – no privacy, days of menial labor. ¥380,000 yen if you can complete“
Jan 14, 2016. Mitsubishi Electric DSPACE “Confined experiment flooded with 4,400 applicants – What is the stress finishers experienced?“
Aug 2, 2013. Mynavi News “Okayama University Develops Drugs for Myocardial Infarction Targeting New Ion Channels“
Aug 2, 2013. Optronics Online “Okayama University Discovers New Method for Suppressing Myocardial Infarction“
Aug 1, 2013. Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Internet “Okayama University discovers a new method for suppressing myocardial infarction” (broken link
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Takahashi Lab at Okayama University uses principles of physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and biophysics. The purpose of the lab is to develop science and medicine by unveiling the mechanisms of diseases through collaborations with scientists, epidemiologists, and corporate alliances. The alliance includes Harvard University, Boston University, Tokyo University of Science, and PD Aerospace, Ltd.