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Genre: Ecomomics

Book read: Principles: Life and Work

Ray Dalio is a globally renowned figure who has achieved significant success as an entrepreneur. I greatly resonate with his scientific and democratic view of things. It involves looking at matters objectively, identifying the gaps between goals and current status, and working to bridge those gaps. By cycling through this process, we can turn our…
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Book read: Capitalism and Freedom

This book enlightens us with ample concrete examples about how our understanding of our economy, such as our understanding of income distribution, is often illogical and unfounded. For instance, political systems and economic systems are not independent. Economic freedoms, like international travel or pension payments, are constrained by political systems. This book provides rich insights…
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Book read: Management (Essential Edition)

Whether it’s a school club, a workplace unit, a sports team, the military, or a cabinet, the art of efficiently running any organization is what management is all about. The immense persuasiveness of the intellectual giant, Drucker, leads readers from darkness to enlightenment with each turn of the page. While reading this book, I sighed…
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