高橋 賢

Category: Highlight

Ken selected as Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Bearer

The flame represents the Olympic ideals of peace, unity and friendship The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games has selected Ken Takahashi as a torch bearer after a long process of rigorous review. The torch was ignited several months before the Games in front of the Temple of Hera, the archeological site…
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Promoting Mechanobiology

Ken Takahashi was inaugurated as Associate Editor of Mechanobiology Journal on Sunday September 22, 2019. The goal of the journal is to improve the understanding of mechanobiology and ultimately provide approaches to translate into therapeutic strategies and rectifying husbandry and agricultural problems. Ken contributed to hold 2nd International Symposium on Mechanobiology in 2014 as Secretary General, and…
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Joining Harvard Medical School

Ken Takahashi joined Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, as a Visiting Scholar. At the Wyss, Ken is collaborating with Professor Donald Ingber aiming to establish ischemia-reperfusion injury model using the organ-on-a-chip technology.

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education

岡山医学会教育奨励賞受賞 Ken Takahashi won the Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education for his continuous effort for internationalization of Okayama University. The O-NECUS (Okayama University-North East China Universities platform, Graduate Student Exchange) program has a short-term study abroad program with five universities in northeastern China. The affiliated universities include Harping Medical University, Jilin University, Chinese Medical…
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Inaugurate All-Japan Medical School Physiology Quiz

Medical Students in Okayama University Lay the Foundation for Medical School Physiology Quiz in Japan On Sunday April 17, 2016, the Conference of Okayama Medical Students had the honor of inaugurating the All-Japan Medical School Physiology Quiz under the aegis of the G7 Kurashiki Education Minister’s Meeting and The Physiological Society of Japan. Ken Takahashi…
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China Mission

O-NECUSオータムセミナーを開催 あらゆる組織において、人材の確保は死活問題である。大学にとって、学生は貴重な人材である。2015年11月10日から11日にかけて、高橋は中国の大連医科大学と中国医科大学を訪問し、留学生募集のセミナーを行った。

Hosting the International Symposium on Mechanobiology (ISMB) 2014


Teacher learns how to teach at the world-famous Institute of Education in London

Date: March 3-7, 2014 Location: Institute of Education, University of London, UK Ken was enrolled as a student studying for the English Pedagogy for Science Specialists at the world-famous Institute of Education, University of London. In the dedicated 5-day course, he mastered state-of-the-art teaching in English. ### Takahashi Lab at Okayama University uses principles of…
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JAXA Investigations of Isolated and Confined Environments

JAXA有人閉鎖環境閉鎖試験 ユーリ・ガガーリンの有人宇宙初飛行(1961年)から50年、人類は長期間にわたって宇宙空間に住むことができるようになった。宇宙滞在の長期化によって生じる問題に、精神・心理的ストレスがある。その原因は:

Microgravity experiment

October 11, 2001.Ken Takahashi attended a medical experiment regarding space medicine as a subject. The experiment was carried out using the parabolic flight with G-II airplane, which generates ~20 second microgravity for 10-20 times. 地球上で無重力(正確には微小重力)状態を作ろうとすると、物体を自由落下させなければならない。フリーフォールはまさにこの状態であるが、落下する距離が120m程度なので無重力状態になるは数秒間だけである。 しかし飛行機で上空高く上がれば落下距離を稼ぐことができるので、20秒間という比較的長い無重力状態を作ることができる。これがパラボリックフライトである。 2001年10月11日、高橋は宇宙医学実験の被験者としてパラボリックフライトを体験した。名古屋大学環境医学研究所の岩瀬敏助教授(現・愛知医科大学教授)の研究プロジェクトである。このフライトで高橋は約20秒間の微小重力状態を17回体験した。
