高橋 賢


Lecture: How does our body change in space?

講演:宇宙で身体はどう変わる?@高槻中学校・高校 In response to request, Ken Takahashi gave a lecture “How does our body change in space?” to junior high/high school students at Takatsuki Junior High/High School on January 31, 2018. It was carried out as an outreach activity of The Biophysical Society of Japan(日本生物物理学会).

ESC Congress 2017, Barcelona

Ken Takahashi gave an oral presentation titled “Simultaneous mapping of multiple proteins in heart using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry” at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2017 on August 26, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. He enjoyed the “rapid fire abstract” session, in which a presenter was given only 5 minutes, the beautiful city…
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Artificial Intelligence

The following article was written by Pipat Puengseangdee (Christopher) and Kattika Taraphongpaiboon (Nam). Development of technology is so fast. One of the hottest technology is artificial intelligence. Abilities of this technology is higher than we can imagine. Recently, AI defeated the best human go player. Some people even say that AI will take human works…
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Best Presentation Award in Project-based Learning Course of Medical School

Team E2, composed of one British, one Myanmar, and 6 Japanese students, won the Best Presentation Award in Project-based Learning in Molecular Pathogenesis Course of Medical School, Okayama University on April 30, 2016. In this course, third-year medical students learn about molecular pathology in groups of 6 to 8 students. Students actively learn about diseases…
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Inaugurate All-Japan Medical School Physiology Quiz

Medical Students in Okayama University Lay the Foundation for Medical School Physiology Quiz in Japan On Sunday April 17, 2016, the Conference of Okayama Medical Students had the honor of inaugurating the All-Japan Medical School Physiology Quiz under the aegis of the G7 Kurashiki Education Minister’s Meeting and The Physiological Society of Japan. Ken Takahashi…
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China Mission

O-NECUSオータムセミナーを開催 あらゆる組織において、人材の確保は死活問題である。大学にとって、学生は貴重な人材である。2015年11月10日から11日にかけて、高橋は中国の大連医科大学と中国医科大学を訪問し、留学生募集のセミナーを行った。

Hosting the International Symposium on Mechanobiology (ISMB) 2014


Teacher learns how to teach at the world-famous Institute of Education in London

Date: March 3-7, 2014 Location: Institute of Education, University of London, UK Ken was enrolled as a student studying for the English Pedagogy for Science Specialists at the world-famous Institute of Education, University of London. In the dedicated 5-day course, he mastered state-of-the-art teaching in English. ### Takahashi Lab at Okayama University uses principles of…
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Book read: The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Within this small book, one can find significant hints on how to excel in work and lead a better life. Phrases like “Know thyself, know thy enemy, a hundred battles fought, a hundred battles won” and “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” are well-known worldwide. This ancient military manual,…
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Book read: The Three Kingdoms

Oh, what an epic tale it is! I can’t even count how many sleepless nights I’ve spent reading this story. A century of the nation’s rise and fall. Vast and boundless, filled with intricate strategies, tumultuous events, and intense emotions. Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang. Their…
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