高橋 賢

Presentation on Organ-on-a-chip Research at the 100th Anniversary Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan

Presentation on Organ-on-a-chip Research at the 100th Anniversary Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan

The 100th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan was held at the Kyoto International Conference Center from March 14th to 16th. As a highlight of the conference, there was a dialogue between two Nobel laureates, Dr. Svante Pääbo and Dr. Shinya Yamanaka. At the conference, the Takahashi lab presented the following posters related to organ-on-a-chip:

  1. Facilitated differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes in a microfluidic chip
  2. Development of a lung fibrosis model using lung epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and vascular endothelial cells

These studies aim to explore the potential for new treatment development utilizing cell culture and microfluidic control technology. The conference was very lively, providing a forum for presenters and participants to engage in intense discussions.

Research on new treatment development utilizing organ-on-a-chip technology is becoming increasingly important, and we will continue to advance our research to contribute to the development of physiology.

Related: Progress report for the kidney-on-a-chip project: The 99th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan

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Takahashi Lab at Okayama University uses principles of physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and biophysics. The purpose of the lab is to develop science and medicine by unveiling the mechanisms of diseases through collaborations with scientists, epidemiologists, and corporate alliances. The alliance includes Harvard University, Boston University, Texas A&M University, and PD Aerospace, Ltd.

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  1. […] Presentation on Organ-on-a-chip Research at the 100th Anniversary Meeting of the Physiological Socie…Related: Takahashi Lab develops microfluidic culture system for organ chips to mimic in vivo […]

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