Presentation on organ-on-a-chip research in the Chem-Bio Informatics Society

The CBI Annual Meeting 2020 was held online from October 27th to 30th, 2020, sponsored by The Chem-Bio Informatics Society (CBI). The annual meeting of the CBI Society, which started in 2020, is held every year for the purpose of facilitating interaction between industry, government, and academia in the relevant research fields.
Beginning in 2000, the conference, sponsored by industries including Amazon Web Service, Fujitsu and Bruker, is held annually with the participation of top Japanese researchers such as the University of Tokyo, Osaka University and RIKEN. At the focused session of “Advanced Measurement and Analysis” of this meeding, Dr. Takahashi made a presentation on ” Evaluation of organ function using human organ-on-a-chip”.
When evaluating the effects of drugs or creating disease models using laboratory animals, there are issues regarding the validity of data extrapolation to humans and animal ethical issues. To solve these problems, Takahashi Lab has developed an organ chip model composed of human-derived cells. At this meeting, Dr. Takahashi reported the latest findings on the heart chip consisting of vascular endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes, and the blood-brain barrier chip consisting of vascular endothelial cells and astrocytes / pericytes.
Through the activities of this society, further development of organ chip research is expected through collaboration between industries and researchers
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Takahashi Lab at Okayama University uses principles of physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and biophysics. The purpose of the lab is to develop science and medicine by unveiling the mechanisms of diseases through collaborations with scientists, epidemiologists, and corporate alliances. The alliance includes Harvard University, Boston University, Tokyo University of Science, and PD Aerospace, Ltd.
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