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Month: October 2020

Presentation on organ-on-a-chip research in the Chem-Bio Informatics Society

The CBI Annual Meeting 2020 was held online from October 27th to 30th, 2020, sponsored by The Chem-Bio Informatics Society (CBI). The annual meeting of the CBI Society, which started in 2020, is held every year for the purpose of facilitating interaction between industry, government, and academia in the relevant research fields. Beginning in 2000,…
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How do we fight COVID-19: peer review?

A paper on COVID-19, which was peer-reviewed by Takahashi on July 23, was published in the international open access journal Journal of Clinical Medicine. Moula AI, Micali LR, Matteucci F, Lucà F, Rao CM, Parise O, Parise G, Gulizia MM, Gelsomino S. Quantification of Death Risk in Relation to Sex, Pre-Existing Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk…
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Video released: Model for ischemic heart disease with human iPS cardiomyocytes

Summary Dr. Ken Takahashi of Okayama University published a video article on a model of ischemic heart disease using human iPS heart cells. The method makes it easier to create a cardiac ischemia model. The use of this model will lead to the development of drugs for ischemic heart disease and reveal the cause of…
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